
Mini Dice Crypts and Gravestone Dice

Created by Cryptic Creative

A small Dice Crypt for your small Dice.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Crypt Closure Coming - The End is Near.
about 1 year ago – Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 12:47:01 PM

Greetings from the graveyard.

With three (3) days of life in the Kickstarter left, the ghosts, ghouls, zombies and even that one grumpy goblin have become almost possessed whilst watching the progress.   Some appear detached, but that is not so unusual with zombies as they lose parts and pieces quite often.  Behind the scenes (or in this case the mausoleum) surveys and material orders are being planned, a pledge manager needs to be brought to life and general cryptic chaos rules the day.

Thank you backers, for your support and confidence.   The end is indeed near.

Week 1 - The Zombies had fun.
about 1 year ago – Thu, Sep 07, 2023 at 11:58:03 AM

Thank you, kind backers, for a scary-good week one!  Our funding goal has been exceeded by more than eightfold and we, of the graveyard, are most pleased.  Even that one grumpy goblin was caught smiling again.

We have listened closely to your comments, feedback and occasional spine-tingling screams of joy.   

New rewards have been added: "Two Crypts are Better Than One" is now a reward-level for both standard and premium woods.  Add-ons now include choices for additional single crypts.  (We promise not to overbill you for excessive postage if you add a crypt.)  Blank Mini Dice Crypts (with no engravings) will be a choice.  

The response to the prototype Mini Dice Crypts shown at DragonCon 2023 last week was frightening good.  The ghosts, ghouls, goblins and zombies of the graveyard gang anxiously await the end.

We are indeed most grateful to you backers for your continuing confidence and support.

Thank you for digging deep!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Aug 31, 2023 at 05:27:31 AM

We are indeed most thrilled to death with the response to the Mini Dice Crypt launch.  Day one exceeded even the most optimistic zombie's guesstimate.   (Still, he wins an extra ration of grog.)  

Some of you have asked if we could add the full size Dice Crypts to the add-on section; we will be most happy to do that later today.  Thank you backers for your confidence  and good taste.  

So many fun choices!