
Mini Dice Crypts and Gravestone Dice

Created by Cryptic Creative

A small Dice Crypt for your small Dice.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Life in the Crypt - Movement seen in the graveyard
12 months ago – Tue, Nov 07, 2023 at 08:27:37 AM

No dead stop here.  You would think from watching the activity of the assorted ghouls, ghosts, zombies and even that one grumpy goblin that that they were actually alive!

Things are indeed moving forward (whilst still lacking 10 backer surveys).

Crypts are in production.  Dice have been ordered.  Sheaths are being assembled.  The hoarding of shipping materials is well underway.

As always thank you for your support and confidence!

Life in the Crypt - Survey says: 81% completed.
12 months ago – Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 08:29:38 AM

The Graveyard crew thanks those that have risen...    and filled out their surveys.  

We hope that the other 19% of you that are currently ghosting us will awaken soon.  

Orders for raw materials have been placed and we will start to lock down reward choices sometime next week to bring production to life...

As always, thank you for your confidence and support!

Life in the Crypt - Surveys heading into the ether...
about 1 year ago – Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 01:00:31 PM

The graveyard ghosts, ghouls, zombies and that one grumpy goblin have been gathered with grave looks hoping that the survey smoke test did not go up in flames.   

In this case, the smoke signals have been positive.  We shall unleash those surveys that until now, have been resting peacefully into the ether and await your cryptic choices.  

As always, thank you for your confidence and support.

Life in the Crypt - Surveys to leave the Graveyard soon!
about 1 year ago – Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 06:06:24 AM

Our Raucous Raven not so gracefully flew into the graveyard bringing the news that we have received the final accounting from Kickstarter.  Never ones to waste dead time, we have been piecing together the backer survey using BackerKit as our pledge manager.  BackerKit requires that we do a "Smoke Test" to five percent (5%) of our backers to verify that the ghouls have designed it properly.  Once approved, it will be sent off into the ether.  Of course, we will be thrilled to death to see your choices!

Life in the Crypt - The Lid Slams Shut on the Mini Dice Crypt Kickstarter
about 1 year ago – Sat, Sep 23, 2023 at 05:39:38 AM

There was quite the gathering of undead watching the Midnight close of the Kickstarter.  Collective appreciative moans, groans, howls and screams of joy were heard as final backers joined in.

The Graveyard crew is thrilled to death with the results and are quite anxious to dig in (as it were...) 

 Please find below a link to a very quick Google form that will help us understand your intentions and allow us to get a jump on production.  These are not your final answers - you can change your mind.  Your final wishes will be made in the actual survey which should be sent in a couple of weeks.

 Mini Dice Crypt Intentions 

Thank you for your confidence and support!

Such a sweet sound!