
Mini Dice Crypts and Gravestone Dice

Created by Cryptic Creative

A small Dice Crypt for your small Dice.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Life in the Crypt - Mini Crypts Shipped! - Missing Backers?
9 months ago – Fri, Jan 26, 2024 at 09:33:43 AM

The End?  It isn't that easy.

The ghouls, ghosts and zombies and that one grumpy goblin have shipped all of the remaining rewards that we can.  

For some irrational reason there are four (4) backers that continue to try and ghost us.  This, of course, is futile.  Being undead, we can wait an eternity...

Our current "Make 100" Crypts and Class Coins Kickstarter is doing well; we are quite pleased to see some of you returning to the graveyard.

Thank you, kind backers, for your amazing confidence and support!

Life in the Crypt - Make 100: Crypts and Class Coins
9 months ago – Tue, Jan 16, 2024 at 07:17:34 AM

We had so much fun with last year's "Make 100" project that we thought we would do another.

We are, of course, thrilled to death to announce this year’s “Make 100” Kickstarter.  Dice Crypts combined with beautiful class coins from Norse Foundry.  Only 100 of these numbered, limited edition crypts will be produced.  Don’t be late for class…

Thank you for your continued support and confidence!

We should have the mini crypts for last thirteen (13) backer shipments very soon.

Life in the Crypt - Most shipments off to their final destinations...
10 months ago – Tue, Jan 02, 2024 at 08:16:30 AM

The cacophonous graveyard crew sends their wishes for a prosperous New Year!

84% of the rewards have left the graveyard into the ether.

Twelve (12) of you are still ghosting us - we gravely need your surveys!

Backers who ordered Mystery Dice sets will see your rewards ship this week - mystery solved!

Additional Mini Dice Crypts are in production for those whose surveys were delayed.

As always, thank you for your confidence and support.


Life in the Crypt - Mini Dice Crypts shipping next week!
10 months ago – Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 09:22:14 AM

The graveyard is abuzz as the necessary parts and pieces have arrived.   Mini Dice Crypts will start heading to their final destinations next week.  As is graveyard tradition, they will be fulfilled in "backer order".  This raucous crew of ghouls, ghosts, zombies and that one grumpy goblin hope to have them shipped on schedule, before the end of December.  The zombies have promised no further attempts at an apocalypse until then...

Thank you for your continued support and confidence!

Life in the Crypt - Piecing it all together...
11 months ago – Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 08:36:59 AM

Things continue to progress!  The graveyard crew is dead serious as they piece together the parts of this Kickstarter.   (Not so much different than piecing a zombie back together when things inevitably fall off)

The Mini Dice Crypts are almost finished being engraved.  Some of the Gravestone dice have arrived.  Crypt sheaths should be in next week.  We have a hoard of coins hidden away.   Of course, it helps that the un-dead don't really need much sleep!

Thanks for your continued support and confidence!